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    Re: Destination Screens

    Posted by Paul K on October 26, 2001, 10:34 am , in reply to "Destination Screens"

    I think readability of destination screens is a very important issue. I am not on the passenger group any more so I haven't complained about the flashing screens but I would have if I had a good chance. I haven't seen any new Laganside ones yet but I would have thought displays with small letters were much easier to see from a distance as you would be able to make out the shapes of the letters from a distance, before you could see them properly. With capital letters lots of destinations just look like a rectangular block from a distance. Of couse the dot matrix screens are harder to read and in many cases not as bright as the traditional white on black scrolls.

    I don't like the flashing screens as it means you have to look at the bus for several seconds to get all the information. On Sunday Citybus services there are sometimes at least four destinations flashing up in sequence, but on the Renowns there is no indication of which is the first and which is the last so people unfamiliar with the route can't work out what circular direction the bus is going. At least when they used Ultras for these services the four destinations were all on one screen separated by commas and you could see what order the bus went through them.


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